The gift of a beard, featured image 1.

the gift of a beard

Published: 2007/11/27
Updated: 2024/06/01

Recently, Arthur Martins of Brazil wrote, “The reason why I grow my beard is because I really think beards are a gift (otherwise everyone would have one).”  Others have expressed the same idea in feedback to the site over the years.  Yes, a beard is a gift.  Gifts differ, however, so not all men are capable of growing a beard.  Those with the gift of a beard should share it by growing the beard for all to see.

5 thoughts on “the gift of a beard”

  1. Pretty good gift from heaven, thought I still haven’t one, but I am optimist, my facial hair growth seems to be raising. I hope I can get a beard soon!!!!
    I don’t understand those guys that are always clean-shaven when they can grow a full beard.

  2. It is a gift, and gifts are meant to be shared…..Grow a beard today and share it with the world……

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