Oops! The gallery views counter hit seventeen million…sometime. It was about a week ago. I missed it. Oh, well. Here’s a little belated commemoration of the momentous occasion! Photo above is another preview shot from Scott’s beards.org photo shoot. His beard feature will appear one of these days…soon, I hope! Stay tuned. Oh, and thanks, everyone, for all your interest in all about beards!
Tag Archives: milestone
sixteen million!
The hits just keep on coming here at beards.org. On the afternoon (US Pacific Time) of March 25th, 2011, the gallery views counter rolled over to sixteen million! We hit fifteen million back on January 2nd, 2011. The counting only began back on January 26th, 2006. So the real number is unknown but much higher.
I wasn’t here to see which was the sixteen millionth photo. So I selected one of Andy’s photos to illustrate this post.
Thanks for your interest in “all about beards”!
All About BEARDS’ fifteenth anniversary

On January 17th, 1996, all about beards made its humble debut on the worldwide web. The little web site had embarked on its mission of promoting beards around the globe. Today, all about beards is growing stronger all the time and remains the world’s longest-running beard web site. On all about beards’ fifteenth anniversary, I’d like to thank all of the site’s friends, contributors, supporters, cheerleaders, and of course, beard growers for making all about beards such a success. Keep growing.
fifteen million!
We are starting off the new year with a great milestone. The beards.org gallery views counter just hit fifteen million! The ceremonial fifteenth millionth photo was that of Josef of Germany. The counter rolled over to fifteen million at 9:28 PM Pacific Standard Time on January 2nd, 2011. We hit fourteen million back on October 11th, 2010.
Josef was one of the first to show off his beard in our beards of the world gallery. If you haven’t already, please join him in the gallery by submitting your entry today! To view Josef’s photo, click on the image above.
Thanks for your interest in “all about beards”!
fourteen million!
Hey! Once more, we’ve got another million views on the gallery counter! I wasn’t at the computer at the time to witness the turnover to 14,000,000 views, so I don’t know which image was the fourteen millionth. So to illustrate this post, I’ve included another shot of Brian that appeared in his latest album update.
Thanks again to all of the friends and visitors to beards.org for your interest in the bearded cause. Keep growing!
thirteen million!
We’ve done it again! We’ve got another million views on the gallery counter! The thirteen-million milestone was reached sometime on the morning of July 4th, 2010.
We hit our previous milestone of twelve million gallery views back on March 31st, 2010. Remember, however, that the gallery counter started at zero on January 26, 2006. So we have had thirteen million views of photos in the gallery since January 26, 2006.
The number is a fun milestone to track, although the actual number of views is even larger. Sadly, when some images leave the gallery, their view counts get subtracted. That can whack off thousands from the counter at a time. Also, when Salvatore’s beard videos were hosted in the main gallery, the overall view count was boosted substantially. When I pulled the videos from the gallery (because they were using up all of the site’s monthly data transfer allowance), the overall count shrank some more, as well. If all of the subtractions were added back, the true number would be quite a bit higher.
Regardless, each additional million makes for a good occasion to stop and reflect for a moment and express thanks to all of beards.org’s loyal fans, friends, and visitors. It’s also a great time to thank and salute each and every bearded man who has joined the gallery.
I wasn’t at the computer when the counter hit thirteen million. So this post is illustrated with a previously-unpublished photo of Christopher.
Happy Birthday, USA! And best wishes to all friends of beards.org around the world!
twelve million!
The number of views of photos in the beard gallery hit twelve million sometime just before noon Pacific Daylight Time on March 31st, 2010! We hit eleven million views less than three months earlier on January 6, 2010. The counter started at zero on January 26, 2006. So the twelve million number represents only the number of views since January 26, 2006. Thanks to all of our loyal fans, friends, and visitors, the site continues to grow. We are experiencing some growing pains, but they are welcome. They are a sign of great things yet to come.
I wasn’t at the computer when the counter rolled over to twelve million. So this post is illustrated with a previously-unpublished photo of Tomas.
Fourteen years of growing better beards — worldwide!

On January 17, 1996, all about beards first appeared on the worldwide web. The site started out on web space provided for AOL members. The host name was members.aol.com. On January 20, 2005, all about beards officially moved to its permanent home at beards.org. The legacy all about beards site on members.aol.com was left up for sentimental reasons until AOL pulled the plug on it on October 31, 2008. All that remains of the AOL site’s legacy is that the official site contact email address is still the original AOL email address that has been used since the January 1996 launch of all about beards.
Today on the site’s fourteenth anniversary, the site is bigger and stronger than ever, with the momentum ever increasing. More importantly, the site has encouraged and inspired countless men around the world to experience the unique adventure of growing a beard with great success. The site remains dedicated to “growing better beards worldwide”, “adding more beards to the world”, and increasing the acceptance of beards everywhere. I’d like to thank all of the beard growers and supporters everywhere whose beard-growing contributions have strengthened all about beards and advanced the bearded cause around the world.
eleven million!
The gallery image counter hit eleven million views on January 6, 2010! We hit ten million on October 25, 2009. It would have been nice to hit eleven million before the end of 2009, but this is still close enough! The eleven million number, however, only represents the number of beard views since the counter started from zero on January 26, 2006.
This time, I wasn’t at the keyboard to see which photo was number eleven million. In consolation, I’m illustrating this post with a previously-unpublished photo of Christopher.
ten million!
The gallery views counter hit ten million at 7:41 PM PDT on October 25, 2009! Which was the prize-winning ten-millionth photo? Well, Dave wins another one:
Click on the photo above to see the larger, gallery version. One of Dave’s photos was the winner at nine million views, too. Thanks again, Dave, and all of the visitors to beards.org!
UPDATE: I should add, of course, sincere thanks to all of the participants in the beards of the world gallery, too!