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Love the Special Power of Changing Up Your Beard

Your beard gives you a special power. It’s the power to change your appearance in a big way. This can lead to new discoveries and personal development for you as well as various effects on others.

You experienced this when you grew your beard for the first time. Keep in mind that you can multiply this power by changing up your beard whenever you like.

An underappreciated aspect of the Joy of Beard is the option to change up your beard in a variety of ways. This can bring about unexpected positive results. You should consider trying it, even if you are skeptical.

A man’s ability to grow a beard is a special gift, a privilege you might say. Boys cannot grow a beard. They can only dream of someday becoming a man who grows his beard. But not all men are even blessed with the ability to grow a beard. It really is a gift.

Those who are fortunate to be enabled for beard growing should embrace and even love the privilege. They should grow their beards with wholehearted joy.

Above: Barry with a big beard looks completely different from Barry with a short beard. Click or tap on either image to view larger.

The power to change your appearance

When you first grew a beard and abandoned the tedious task of shaving, you revealed your true face. You may have settled on a particular beard style and have stayed with it. If you’re happy with your beard as it is, you may believe that there is no need to even think about changing it. That’s an understandable position to take. But consider stretching out of your comfort zone to try something different with your beard. You may unexpectedly find that you like the new state of your beard even better. This could happen even when trying out a beard style that you may not care for. This happened to me. That’s a story for another post.

Keep in mind that changing up your beard does not mean that you are permanently giving up your current beard style. You can always go back. But it can happen that you decide to stay with the new beard for a long run.

Some ways to change up your beard:

  • Grow your beard bigger and longer. Perhaps even go for a “yeard”, that is, letting your beard grow without trimming for a full year.
  • Reduce your beard to a shorter one or even a stubble beard.
  • Do the unthinkable and shave off your beard just for the pleasure of re-growing it.
  • Color your beard.
  • Switch beard style types:
    • Go from a goatee to a full beard or do the opposite.
    • Try out an uncommon beard style such as a chin curtain.
    • Create your own beard design.

You have the power. Use it!

The power of changing up your beard. Big beard at work: Barry. Photo 3.
Big beard Barry at work! Click on image to view larger.

The power to change your self-image and attitude

Changing up your beard changes how you see yourself. A change to your beard may surprise you. The new look may please you way more than you could have expected. Then it happens.

When you look in the mirror and the way your beard looks makes you happy, that is a most awesome feeling. There is true power in that.

Loving the way your beard looks is not a matter of vanity. It’s recognition of the joy that comes from the gift of being able to grow a beard and the many options that it brings. You know it when you look at your beard in the mirror and cannot keep from smiling!

The power of beard happiness strengthens your confidence and instills a positive attitude. You can be inspired to achieve more, to achieve greatness. You can be inspired to help others and do other things that make you a better man.

Changing up your beard can lead you to the power of “beard happiness”. Trying out different changes to your beard can lead you to the beard that makes you feel that happiness and power. You don’t have to make a permanent change. You may end up returning to the way you originally had your beard. But you’ll go back there with a new appreciation. Or you may find a beard style that you like much better and never go back to your original beard style.

The power of changing up your beard. Short beard: Barry. Note the perfectly shaped neckline. Photo 5.
Short beard Barry out on a casual hike on a nature trail. Take note of his perfectly shaped neckline. Click on image to view larger.

Beard power from the heart

A friend recently shared how he feels about changing up one’s beard:

Growing your beard and changing up your beard whenever you like demonstrates pride in who you are. It reflects what’s in your heart.

First, it’s a gift to yourself to grow and change up your beard. It’s fulfilling the promise of the gift of beard that you’ve been given. What you do with your beard shows how you care for yourself and seek change and improvement.

Second, your beard and its changing form is an expression of love to share with others by letting them see it. They can see the change in the beard and the change in you. Giving to others, sharing with others enhances yourself and helps others. It’s a circle of virtue.

Your beard is part of who you are and what you can accomplish.

We really mean it when we say that the beard is a gift. It is. And it is up to you to make the most of your gift of beard by using it to enhance yourself and accomplish more. Your beard in all its forms strengthens you by lifting your spirit and hopes, leading you to achieve more for yourself and others.

Above: Scott appears with three beard sizes: short, bigger, and even bigger. Big difference! Click or tap on any image to view larger.

How often should you change up your beard?

Change up your beard whenever you feel like it. It could be frequently. It could be rarely. Just be open to trying it when the time feels right. You never know where it will lead you. Follow your heart. Do your best always. Love the special power of changing up your beard.

Enjoy and treasure the whole beard experience.

The power of changing up your beard. Behold his even bigger beard: Scott.
Scott changed up his short beard and achieved this clearly majestic beard! Click on image to view larger.