Tag Archives: beards

Grow your beard: No-shave November 2018

Another No-shave November has arrived. No-shave November is always one of the best times to grow a new beard, especially for first-time beard growers. No-shave November gives new beard growers a ready-made justification for growing. Just say that it’s No-shave November!

Even if you miss out on starting to grow your new beard at the beginning of the month, don’t let that discourage you. Start anyway at any time during the month.

And don’t think that the end of November should automatically mean the end of your new beard. Let your November beard growth serve as motivation to keep growing through December and beyond.

No-shave November 2018. Beard: Scott with a shorter beard

Growing a beard for the first time can be daunting. Never fear, however! Growing that first beard should be a fun adventure and a true growth experience in more ways than one. You can learn a lot about yourself and others by growing your beard. One of the most important keys to successful beard growing is to stay committed. Do not let others convince you to give up and shave with their criticism and teasing. Stay strong and grow your beard!

I always welcome new beard growers to the bearded brotherhood at any time. I especially like to welcome them during No-shave November. It is always a great opportunity to add more beards to the world. And that is a good thing!

So, welcome, new beard growers! May your beards grow and flourish and bring you great satisfaction.

To help you along your way, follow our tried-and-true beard-growing guide: How to grow a beard

Please help spread the joy of growing new beards and share this post with anyone who should grow his beard!

Happy No-shave November 2018!

Twenty-two years, all about beards

Here we are again at another all about beards anniversary. Today marks twenty-two years since that little site started out on its mission to promote beards, share information about beards, and celebrate beards. During this time, we have helped thousands and thousands of men all around the world to grow their beards. This, “adding beards to the world”, is among our proudest achievements.

Adding more beards to the world is one of the best ways to increase acceptance, and even respect, for beards. The more beards there are, the more the general population becomes accustomed to them. The more the general population becomes accustomed to beards, the more accepting of beards people become. With that, more people are less likely to harbor that pesky old anti-beard bias that surprisingly and stubbornly resists fading away. The anti-beard bias was much stronger in the early days of all about beards. And it was even stronger for years and years prior to that. Anti-beard bias, however, still remains stronger than many may realize. Plenty of people still feel entitled to tell new beard growers and established beard growers alike that they should shave. A milder form of anti-beard bias allows for limited beard growth, but not too much, with the limit defined by the beard critic. Grow your beard a bit beyond stubble length and you may hear, “That beard’s too long. You’ve got to trim that down.” Here at all about beards, we think that beard critics do not have the right to dictate what restrictions must be imposed on a man’s beard.

Anti-beard bias will never disappear completely. However, we are happy to see that it is much weaker now than it was twenty-two years ago. In recent years beards have made great gains in numbers and in acceptance. We could not be happier, except for the movement to continue in favor of beards.

Ready to grow your beard? Be sure to check out our tried and true beard growing guide and start growing today!

We will always keep growing. We are all about beards.

Happy New Beard Year 2018!

All about beards wishes each and everyone of you a happy and prosperous New Year 2018.  This is the year to grow your best beard yet.  And we are here to help.

Let’s all grow strong.  Have a great beard and a great New Beard Year 2018!

Joe: today’s beard, 2017/06/14

Name: Joe.
Occupation: Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, and Refrigeration Professional.

About Joe’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Honestly, it was a combination of things. First, shaving is just a pain in the butt. Ha ha. Seriously though, I was going through old photos my ma had and saw my family’s older men from her dad and grandpa to great grandpa on both sides and they all could grow a heck of a beard.

I wanted to see how mine would fill out and if it could get as thick and full as theirs. I also work outside on the roofs of commercial buildings in the winter, working on heating systems, and it helps a lot.

What do I think about my beard? Well I like it. I don’t look in the mirror and see anything that stands out, really. I get a lot of compliments on it and some funny ones. I never thought I would hear the words epic, magnificent, majestic, etc., etc. I just see a beard and am happy with that.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel great about it. It is definitely a conversation starter. Ever since I have grown it out I get a lot more looks and smiles. I do feel odd when I cut it shorter a few times. Kinda bums me out.

How long have I been bearded? I have been bearded on and off all my life, nothing like this, though. I went from nothing to this in about 2.5 years. I have cut off about six inches in that time. This length still gets on the dinner plate if I am not careful or tie it up. Ha ha. I like this length but I am gonna let it grow out a bit more. My daughter wants me to reach wizard length on the shirt she bought me!!

How do I like being bearded? I love it at times and at other times it is a curse. Ice cream cone… Yep. That’s a trick. Outdoors in the winter, I love it. Running down the road and watching people’s faces…another fun time!! I like the attention and the looks I get. Most of all, I like having the ability to grow one like this. Those that can’t want to, those that can should!

With a beard this epic, magnificent, and majestic, Joe can’t help but get lots of praise and attention!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Joe’s beard gallery.

Sam: today’s beard, 2017/06/07

Name: Sam.
Occupation: Travel agent.

About Sam’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Because I loved the beard since when I was young.

What do I think about my beard? My beard is everything in my life.

How do I feel about my beard? More manly.

How long have I been bearded? One year.

How do I like being bearded? It’s hard.

Eager to grow his beard since he was young, Sam’s beard has arrived and it’s a great one.

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Sam’s beard gallery.

Neil: today’s beard, 2017/06/01

Name: Neil.
Occupation: HGV Driver.

About Neil’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? Mrs. likes it.

What do I think about my beard? It’s great.

How do I feel about my beard? It’s full.

How long have I been bearded? Quite some time, on and off.

How do I like being bearded? Love it.

Neil is a no-nonsense beard grower and he grows a great one.

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Neil’s beard gallery.

John: today’s beard, 2017/05/23

Name: John Cannata.
Occupation: Mason.

About John’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? I don’t particularly enjoy shaving. I also want to look the way I am naturally supposed to look and not have to put in the effort of shaving every day just to make my face look like it did when I was a baby.

What do I think about my beard? I think it is the strongest beard I have grown.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel good about it. I started growing my current beard after I recovered from a bad accident and started training hard again. My beard and I have grown strong together.

How long have I been bearded? About ten years.

How do I like being bearded? I like it just fine. Some people have asked me if my beard gets itchy. It never gets itchy. It is never a pain, nor does it get in my way. It does not cause me to be any hotter in the summer than I normally would be.

John is an experienced, long-term beard grower who has turned his great beard up to beast mode!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in John’s beard gallery.

Derrick: today’s beard, 2017/04/27

Name: Derrick.
Occupation: Pharmacist.

About Derrick’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? I grew my beard to express my manhood and my personality. My dad has always had one and I always thought facial hair was neat!

What do you think of your beard? I think my beard is manly! I think it is a part of me and is a work of art.

How do you feel about your own beard? I feel very strongly about my beard! My beard is a part of who I am. I do not feel right without it! I use it to portray myself to others as well as identify with myself. I feel growing a beard has contributed to developing many good character traits.

How long have you been bearded? My mustache came in pretty thick when I was eleven. At fourteen I had the ability to grow a decent goatee. However, I did not regularly keep facial hair until I grew my first beard in 2009.

How do you like being bearded? I love being bearded! I am dedicated to the bearded lifestyle!

Derrick’s great beard represents great beard pride and brings out the best in him!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Derrick’s beard gallery.

Rahul: today’s beard, 2017/04/11

Name: Rahul Singh.
Occupation: Fitness Trainer.

About Rahul’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? It’s my passion.

What do I think about my beard? I’m proud of it and feel like a lion.

How do I feel about my beard? Out of this world.

How long have I been bearded? Five months.

How do I like being bearded? Smarter than other guys.

Keeping fit with a full beard is what Rahul’s all about!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Rahul’s beard gallery.

Michael: today’s beard, 2017/04/06

Name: Michael Johnson.
Occupation: Sales Manager.

About Michael’s beard:

Why did I grow my beard? I have had a beard in some form or another since I was nineteen years old.

What do I think about my beard? I think it looks great. I sometimes wish it were still brown, but I embrace the white.

How do I feel about my beard? I like how full it grows, no bald spots.

How long have I been bearded? Since I was nineteen years old. I worked for UPS one holiday season in 2014. I had to shave the beard; worst three months ever.

How do I like being bearded? I love it. I enjoy the compliments. It makes me stand out.

Michael is privileged to enjoy such luxuriant beard growth for so many years. His outstanding beard surely makes him a standout!

Click on any image below to view a larger version in Michael’s beard gallery.