Jimmy, our favorite avid beard-growing attorney on a Mediterranean island, is famously dedicated to his full beard. Jimmy’s full beard is a hallmark of his appearance. So when one day it suddenly was gone, what could have happened? I had to investigate this baffling mystery. To get answers, I directed my questions to the source, Jimmy himself. Read below to learn what happened and see a series of progress photos in Jimmy’s new beard growth photo album.
Attorney Jimmy is normally fully bearded in abundance.
I thought you were clearly happy with and proud of your beard. What led you to rid yourself of your illustrious beard?
It was more a necessity than a choice because of minor issues with dry skin. I felt I needed the skin on my face to re-balance and, although products do help, I have been raised on an island that believes in fresh air and sunlight and that idea is too ingrained in my personality to ignore.
Jimmy’s usual appearance features his luxuriant full beard.
Did you reduce your beard in size before the shave?
I took it down gradually, starting the shortening process about three weeks before the actual shave down to a stubble. The reason was for me to transition slowly into the drastic change since when I did the same some years ago, I had gone straight down from a full beard to stubble and the change was shocking to the point where I could not enjoy the re-growth; I was just anxious about it.
What was the process you used for the beard shave-off?
The fact that the beard was considerably long demanded that the shave-down take place in stages. This was to avoid the pain of pulling hairs, mostly, but also to secure the stubble look I was after. I didn’t want to go full clean face with a traditional blade shave. Henceforth, I started trimming off the length over some weeks. Also this was for me to get used to the shortening, until it was short enough that I could go right in and trim it off to a stubble, always using a trimmer. The trim-down also gave me the opportunity to treat the skin on my face with some good skin products and to assess the situation. I am happy to report that the skin was, and is, in very good shape, hence the re-growth commenced the day of the shave-down!
How did you see yourself when the beard was gone? How did you feel about suddenly being beardless?
Shocking! And way too young! I must be one of a handful of people in the world who actually prefer to look older than their years. Perhaps this is also because in my profession experience is still attributed to age. So the shave down brought about a drastic change in appearance which I cannot say I liked, or like, but which I knew was necessary. The fact I trimmed the length down in stages did, however, help in reducing the shock factor I had experienced in the past and helped me enjoy the short-beard look while it lasted!
Here’s Jimmy’s beard in the early stages of re-growth. Be sure to scroll down for the full set of beard re-growth progress photos.
You are growing the beard back soon, correct?
The re-growth process started the day of the shave-down. I shaved down intending to re-grow straight away. So it was a matter of necessity and responsibility towards my facial skin, too. I do use skin products while I am fully bearded but I do feel that the application thereof is not as easy with a beard as long as mine was. So I know my skin appreciated the effort.
Are you eager to resume your full-bearded status?
I am! And always will be! The full beard is my aesthetic and I cannot quite see myself without any sort of facial hair any time soon.
Do you have any specific plans for your new beard?
I am aiming at a tapered-at-the-chin look which I have had before and which I feel suits my face and gives me added character. What I do wish is for my beard to go whiter at the same fast rate as my hair is. But it seems to be taking its sweet time!
How long did you have your beard prior to your recent shave?
I am actually not entirely sure since I’ve had some form of facial hair for a very long time. But I think I’ve become more aware of my “bearded-man” status in the last six years. This does not mean I would not be trimming my beard and experimenting with styles. But it’s been a time when I certainly had a full face beard rather than just a goatee or ‘stache and also an actual beard, never having gone down to a stubble in said period of time prior to the recent shave.
What was the biggest or longest you let your previous beard grow before the recent shave?
The longest my beard has ever been is five inches on the chin but shorter on the sides of my face (about two inches on the sides). The reason I’d have the sides shorter is to decrease volume and take the full beard from a spherical shape beard to a more tapered look. I loved the length and I am thinking I might go that long again with this current growth. In fact, since the last shave down to a stubble I’ve not touched my beard in any way, no trim, no shaping; just pure growth into a spherical shape until I feel there is enough length to taper it at the chin in the look I wish to achieve.
Here is Jimmy’s beard at one of its bigger sizes.
How did you like your beard at its biggest or longest?
Better! The only reason I shaved down (and to a stubble no less!) is because I felt I needed my facial skin to be exposed to sunlight and also more air. I was having some minor issues with dry skin on my chin and shaving down helped. But I much prefer the full beard and I feel it is such a big part of my aesthetic now that I feel a lack in my identity without it; no matter what anyone else has to say about it.
Jimmy’s new beard growth photo album
From day one to eight weeks and a day, here are photos of Jimmy’s new beard growth progress. Click on or tap any photo below to view a larger version and for the number of days of growth.
This is Jimmy’s beard on the first day of new growth following his beard removal down to the stubble.
This is Jimmy’s new beard growth at 8 days.
Here Jimmy’s beard growth has reached day 12.
Jimmy’s beard growth is seen here at two weeks.
Here is Jimmy’s beard growth on day 16.
Jimmy’s beard growth is just shy of three weeks on day 20.
Jimmy’s beard growth is coming along nicely on day 24.
Jimmy’s new beard growth here has reached four weeks.
Here’s Jimmy’s beard growth at five weeks.
Jimmy’s beard growth here is at six weeks.
This is seven weeks of Jimmy’s beard growth.
At eight weeks and one day, Jimmy’s new beard growth is quite full. His beard restoration effort is pretty much complete.
Jimmy’s beard mystery solved
Jimmy reminds us that taking care of one’s facial skin is important. A healthy beard grows out from healthy skin. By trimming his beard down to the stubble, Jimmy could give his face’s skin all the best care it was needing. With his dry skin issues quickly addressed and his facial skin fully refreshed, Jimmy was well prepared to take on his next big beard-growing adventure.
The disappearance of Jimmy’s beard came as a shock, especially because he is known to be fiercely dedicated to carefully maintaining his full-bearded appearance. But he had a good reason for taking such drastic action. Jimmy shows us just one example of why a dedicated beard man might need to temporarily shave off his beard.
Shaving off a well-established beard sounds unthinkable. However, it doesn’t have to be permanent. It just opens up the opportunity to grow out the beard again. And if you ever find yourself needing to shave off your beard for whatever reason, follow our expert guide to shaving off your beard. Just be sure to grow your beard right back again — like Jimmy!
Be sure to also see Jimmy’s beard feature interview and photos:
Name: Joe.
Occupation: Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, and Refrigeration Professional.
About Joe’s beard:
Why did I grow my beard? Honestly, it was a combination of things. First, shaving is just a pain in the butt. Ha ha. Seriously though, I was going through old photos my ma had and saw my family’s older men from her dad and grandpa to great grandpa on both sides and they all could grow a heck of a beard.
I wanted to see how mine would fill out and if it could get as thick and full as theirs. I also work outside on the roofs of commercial buildings in the winter, working on heating systems, and it helps a lot.
What do I think about my beard? Well I like it. I don’t look in the mirror and see anything that stands out, really. I get a lot of compliments on it and some funny ones. I never thought I would hear the words epic, magnificent, majestic, etc., etc. I just see a beard and am happy with that.
How do I feel about my beard? I feel great about it. It is definitely a conversation starter. Ever since I have grown it out I get a lot more looks and smiles. I do feel odd when I cut it shorter a few times. Kinda bums me out.
How long have I been bearded? I have been bearded on and off all my life, nothing like this, though. I went from nothing to this in about 2.5 years. I have cut off about six inches in that time. This length still gets on the dinner plate if I am not careful or tie it up. Ha ha. I like this length but I am gonna let it grow out a bit more. My daughter wants me to reach wizard length on the shirt she bought me!!
How do I like being bearded? I love it at times and at other times it is a curse. Ice cream cone… Yep. That’s a trick. Outdoors in the winter, I love it. Running down the road and watching people’s faces…another fun time!! I like the attention and the looks I get. Most of all, I like having the ability to grow one like this. Those that can’t want to, those that can should!
With a beard this epic, magnificent, and majestic, Joe can’t help but get lots of praise and attention!
Click on any image below to view a larger version in Joe’s beard gallery.
I have had some form of facial hair since I was sixteen years old with the exception of about a year-and-a-half for a job. I’ve always been miserable without it and I feel that it suits my face just fine.
I grew this beard from clean-shaven just over a year ago. I started at the end of last November, right after my birthday. I’m celebrating a fun-filled yeard.
Robert has shown himself to be quite handy at cultivating a robust and luxuriant beard. Great growing there, Robert!
Click on any photo above to see the larger version in Robert’s beard gallery.
Why did I grow my beard? First I grew my beard while my wife was pregnant with our daughter. I had grown a “play off” beard. This was in 2009/2010. Now I feel proud with my beard because it is so full and well-cared-for every day.
What do I think about my beard? It is unique and has a nice cut.
How do I feel about my beard? Awesome.
How long have I been bearded? I started growing it in 2009.
How do I like being bearded? Sometimes it’s hard to hear always the same remarks.
ADi surely has grown a first-class beard! Also, his barber’s work with the beard is amazing!
I love my beard because it’s empowering and it commands attention. It’s also unique and gives a great sense of character. I don’t want to look like anyone else and, since every beard is unique, it gives me that.
Mechanic and shop owner, artist and designer, and bearded: great combination!
Click on any photo above to view a larger version of Mark’s photos.
All about beards is proud to inaugurate our new “Today’s Beard” feature with Ben! We plan to do a daily beard shout out and salute. Here is our first beard salute to Ben.
Name: Ben
Occupation: High Voltage Electrician
About Ben’s beard:
Today Ben has been growing his beard for four months. He is one third of the way to his goal of a yeard (year beard). Ben says that he feels very comfortable in his beard.
Click on any photo above to view a larger version. The first two photos are at three months. The others are at four months.