Make your beard plans for 2024. Featured beard image 001: Nathan.

Make your beard plans for 2024.

Celebrate beards more than ever before!

Make plans now to ensure that 2024 is a great year for beards no matter what else is going on. Your beard plans should be for your own beard as well as for all other beards!

Fortify your beard enthusiasm. Your beard enthusiasm can be contagious. Be aware that this should cause more beards to be grown and appreciated everywhere you go.

Can’t grow a beard yourself, but are a beard fan? Increase your beard enthusiasm level as well. You can be a great resource for encouraging potential beard growers to make the decision to grow.

Spread the joy of beards.

Beards are a gift. Not every man is blessed with the gift of being able to grow a beard. Those who can grow a beard, should.

Beards are for everyone, whether they can grow a beard or not. Beards naturally attract visual attention. Many people appreciate and enjoy seeing the endless variety of beards in the world whether they themselves are beard growers or not. People also enjoy witnessing the transformation of family, friends, and others when they observe them growing new beards. Let the world see your true, bearded face.

As your beard is a gift, don’t take it for granted. Appreciate it. Your beard should be a source of joy to yourself and to others. Enjoy the gift of being bearded. Don’t deny anyone the pleasure of seeing the beard that is uniquely yours!

Spread the joy of beards further by encouraging others to grow their beards and appreciate their beards as the gifts that they are. And encourage these new beard growers to encourage more and more men to keep this beard chain reaction going.

Keep your beard enthusiasm level high at all times:

  • Be eager to tell others about your beard, the story behind it, and more. Many will be curious about your beard but hesitant to ask about it.
  • Always be ready to encourage potential beard growers to make the decision to grow. You could even offer to be an informal “beard coach” to help them along the way and to stick with it.
  • Don’t overlook former beard growers who have left the beard behind for whatever reason. Offer encouragement to them to return to the beard. Maybe they gave up for a reason that you could help them overcome.
  • Freely compliment other beard growers whenever you have a chance. They appreciate the positive reinforcement. This can go a long way toward strengthening their resolve to remain bearded. Giving compliments is free. Be generous!

Improve or expand your own beard experience.

Make plans to up your beard game or try something new with your beard in 2024. You’ll always benefit from the new experience. Even if a change doesn’t turn out to your liking, at least it will have been a lesson learned!

Here are some ideas for changing up your beard for the better:

  • Strengthen your beard grooming skills: Maybe try out a new beard oil or beard balm. Get a new beard trimmer or work with your barber to take your beard grooming to a new level.
  • Change your beard style: If there’s a beard style that you’ve always wanted to try but have never done it, give it a go! If you don’t like how it turns out, you can always revert to your previous beard style. Check out our beard style guide for ideas.
  • Expand your beard: Switch to a full beard if you can. Let your existing beard grow out more. Let your full beard grow out natural. Consider even going for a “yeard”, a “year beard”, which means letting your beard grow with minimal or no trimming for a full twelve months.

There are lots of ways to make 2024 a great year for beards. Try some of the ideas presented here. Or come up with your own ideas. Let me know what you do!

P.S. beard recognition:

The splendid beard used to illustrate this post is produced by our wonderful friend Nathan Maingard. The photos are from a photo shoot that we did during one of his visits to the USA. Be sure to see:

4 thoughts on “Make your beard plans for 2024.”

  1. Great suggestions and valuable beard growing and grooming information available in this website.

  2. I hope to get into the Guiness book of world records for the longest beard ever grown

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