Abraham M.
Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.
Why did I grow my beard? A few years ago I got some clippers to stop using razors to shave my face. So I started to just using the clippers to always have the "afternoon shadow" because at the office I where used to work they had pretty stupid regulations regarding facial hair. But by the middle of 2012, I started a project of my own. So I'm in a way my own boss and I started to grow my beard. I'm a software developer trying to break the paradigm that we have to look like executives pretty neatly shaved... And since my associates are artists they don't care if I look like a stock broker from the movie "Wall Street".
How do I feel about my beard? It just feels great. When I got comfortable with the sensation and the moment I managed overcome the itchiness, it just was great to look at my face in a different way. By the end of February this year I had to shave it and I got sad. My face just looked strange to me... I looked at myself in the mirror and I hated not to have my beard anymore, but I knew that was going to be temporary.
I have my beard again and I feel good about it. People tend to make prejudiced comments but I do not give importance because they make them out of ignorance and misconceptions of what is socially acceptable, I feel great and that's what matters.