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Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My father always had a beard for the twenty-nine years I knew him. Since I got out of the military and civilian police work I had the opportunity to be allowed to grow my own. I get more attention from the ladies since growing my beard.  So it STAYS.

How do I feel about my beard? I like it.  Keeps my face protected from the sun, sand, and wind of the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, where I have worked and lived for the past two and half years. They call a beard here in the war zone Face Kevlar.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2010. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My father always had a beard for the twenty-nine years I knew him. Since I got out of the military and civilian police work I had the opportunity to be allowed to grow my own. I get more attention from the ladies since growing my beard. So it STAYS.

How do I feel about my beard? I like it. Keeps my face protected from the sun, sand, and wind of the deserts of Iraq and Afghanistan, where I have worked and lived for the past two and half years. They call a beard here in the war zone Face Kevlar.

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