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Bearded since: 1995, on and off.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?
1. It's the cheapest way I can think of changing my look. 
2. Shaving during the winter is silly.
3. Developing my inner cave man. It's primal.
4. I seem to get more respect when I have facial hair.
5. It takes a special lady to love the bearded man.
6. I like to start growing in September and shaving it off in March. Kind of like getting ready for winter and then spring. My face feels hyper-sensitive when it's shaved for the first time in seven months. 
7. I feel more relaxed with it. 
8. Sets me apart from the others. 
9. The compliments far outweigh the negative remarks. 
10. Makes me feel somewhat connected with my ancestors of hundreds of years ago. 

How do I feel about my beard? I enjoy it and will continue to wear it. The duration may grow longer each year.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1995, on and off. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?
1. It's the cheapest way I can think of changing my look.
2. Shaving during the winter is silly.
3. Developing my inner cave man. It's primal.
4. I seem to get more respect when I have facial hair.
5. It takes a special lady to love the bearded man.
6. I like to start growing in September and shaving it off in March. Kind of like getting ready for winter and then spring. My face feels hyper-sensitive when it's shaved for the first time in seven months.
7. I feel more relaxed with it.
8. Sets me apart from the others.
9. The compliments far outweigh the negative remarks.
10. Makes me feel somewhat connected with my ancestors of hundreds of years ago.

How do I feel about my beard? I enjoy it and will continue to wear it. The duration may grow longer each year.

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