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Robert Bell
Bearded since: 1997.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I was one of the first in my class in school to start growing facial hair. I started with a goatee, just to see what it looked like. I loved it and have had one ever since. My father has always had a beard, so that also influenced me.

How do I feel about my beard?  I feel my beard is the definition of who I am.  Without my goatee, I feel naked on my chin.  I suffer from a lack of chin and the hair on my chin is the only thing that gives it definition.
Keywords: full_beard

Robert Bell

Bearded since: 1997. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I was one of the first in my class in school to start growing facial hair. I started with a goatee, just to see what it looked like. I loved it and have had one ever since. My father has always had a beard, so that also influenced me.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel my beard is the definition of who I am. Without my goatee, I feel naked on my chin. I suffer from a lack of chin and the hair on my chin is the only thing that gives it definition.

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