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Cesar G.
Bearded since: 2007.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because of a stupid New Year's resolution that, by two months, was starting to drive me crazy.

How do I feel about my beard?  After two months, it was driving me nuts and it was still too short to start braiding.   So one night, I had some mustache wax and was really bored. The outcome was a spiked beard.  The [url=]first photo[/url] was the first outcome.  After a while, I turned it into a jaw strap with goatee, continuing the spiking.   The way I get it to hold is to form it with mustache wax by grabbing some hair and twisting it.  Then to, get a tight clean spike, I repeat the process with a dab of hair glue.  The finished product is a tight, hard spike that holds all day.  Since these photos were taken, I also spike the patch under my lip.  The kryptonite for this beard is sweat and getting wet.
Keywords: full_beard

Cesar G.

Bearded since: 2007. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew my beard because of a stupid New Year's resolution that, by two months, was starting to drive me crazy.

How do I feel about my beard? After two months, it was driving me nuts and it was still too short to start braiding. So one night, I had some mustache wax and was really bored. The outcome was a spiked beard. The first photo was the first outcome. After a while, I turned it into a jaw strap with goatee, continuing the spiking. The way I get it to hold is to form it with mustache wax by grabbing some hair and twisting it. Then to, get a tight clean spike, I repeat the process with a dab of hair glue. The finished product is a tight, hard spike that holds all day. Since these photos were taken, I also spike the patch under my lip. The kryptonite for this beard is sweat and getting wet.

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