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Oscar Z.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? There are millions of reasons why I grew my beard. I'll give you the top five. 
1. I feel a tremendous amount of power and strength.
2. It is my Divine Right.
3. Because I can and I will.
4. I scare people without even saying boo !!!
5. Jesus, Moses, and Zeus all had beards !!!! 

I truly know that when you're growing a beard, you lose all fear. Something definitely happens. I feel like a 10 foot tall 800 pound Sasquatch and an Archangel. I can do, be, have anything. I fear nobody. 

There is one mistake which I definitely learned and Will Never Happen Again. I shaved for a lady and it was the worst mistake ever in my entire life!!!! Even though "they" (ladies) say they want you to shave, once you do, you look like a little boy, a little Leave It To Beaver and it will change everything. Now, it's take it or leave it.... Most ladies do love a strong, rich, thick, dark beard...  It's in the females genes to crave and be attracted such a potent beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I absolutely love it.  It's still growing.   And I'm planning on letting it grow for a while. Last year I did experiment with my beard. I highlighted a stripe and then I got carried away by highlighting the left side of the beard and had burnt the left side of my beard away. It was best if I started from scratch and I had started over in January 2013.
Keywords: full_beard

Oscar Z.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? There are millions of reasons why I grew my beard. I'll give you the top five.
1. I feel a tremendous amount of power and strength.
2. It is my Divine Right.
3. Because I can and I will.
4. I scare people without even saying boo !!!
5. Jesus, Moses, and Zeus all had beards !!!!

I truly know that when you're growing a beard, you lose all fear. Something definitely happens. I feel like a 10 foot tall 800 pound Sasquatch and an Archangel. I can do, be, have anything. I fear nobody.

There is one mistake which I definitely learned and Will Never Happen Again. I shaved for a lady and it was the worst mistake ever in my entire life!!!! Even though "they" (ladies) say they want you to shave, once you do, you look like a little boy, a little Leave It To Beaver and it will change everything. Now, it's take it or leave it.... Most ladies do love a strong, rich, thick, dark beard... It's in the females genes to crave and be attracted such a potent beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I absolutely love it. It's still growing. And I'm planning on letting it grow for a while. Last year I did experiment with my beard. I highlighted a stripe and then I got carried away by highlighting the left side of the beard and had burnt the left side of my beard away. It was best if I started from scratch and I had started over in January 2013.

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