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William S.
Bearded since: 1983. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Since I was a boy, I knew I would have a beard as an adult. It's how I always envisioned myself. It was frustrating at first. My early beard was not as full as I wanted it to be. My parents didn't like it at all and my father gave me a lot of grief about it. But I knew in my heart it was how I was meant to present myself to the world. My beard is part of myself. To be without it is very unnatural for me.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel very passionately about my beard. I like the power it gives me to face the world. I'm a man. I don't need to feel guilty or apologetic about it. "Why don't you shave?", which I reply with a smile, "Jealous?" I do enjoy being around those people who appreciate a beard. I understand the attraction whether it's brotherly or romantic in nature. I find comfort in just being a the presence of a beard.
Keywords: goatee_mustache

William S.

Bearded since: 1983. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Since I was a boy, I knew I would have a beard as an adult. It's how I always envisioned myself. It was frustrating at first. My early beard was not as full as I wanted it to be. My parents didn't like it at all and my father gave me a lot of grief about it. But I knew in my heart it was how I was meant to present myself to the world. My beard is part of myself. To be without it is very unnatural for me.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel very passionately about my beard. I like the power it gives me to face the world. I'm a man. I don't need to feel guilty or apologetic about it. "Why don't you shave?", which I reply with a smile, "Jealous?" I do enjoy being around those people who appreciate a beard. I understand the attraction whether it's brotherly or romantic in nature. I find comfort in just being a the presence of a beard.

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