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Brian Earley
Bearded since: 2005. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew a beard because ever since I have been able to grow a good full beard, I have been in the Army. They forced me to shave all the time so I never knew what I looked like with one. Well, I am in the National Guard now and in between my monthly drills I like to grow a beard just because I can.

I like it. I think it makes me look older and more powerful! I like how my beard is red and my hair is blonde. 
Keywords: full_beard

Brian Earley

Bearded since: 2005. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I grew a beard because ever since I have been able to grow a good full beard, I have been in the Army. They forced me to shave all the time so I never knew what I looked like with one. Well, I am in the National Guard now and in between my monthly drills I like to grow a beard just because I can.

I like it. I think it makes me look older and more powerful! I like how my beard is red and my hair is blonde.

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