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Mike T.
Bearded since: 2009.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Growing a mustache with goatee has always been easy. But growing a full beard that has challenged me more emotionally then I expected. I never realized so many people, even myself, look up to those with a less than full-bearded face and look down to those with those who had -- all the while not understanding why. It should not be and trying to grow a full beard and maintaining it has been a maturing event for myself. If I can grow my full beard and love myself with it enough -- I can overcome the hardships in life. (I know that sounds cheesy.)

How do I feel about my beard? Love-Hate relationship. Sometimes I don't like what I see with the beard and shortly after I shave it I miss it and want it back. I have resulted to hiding the beard trimmers in order to allow my facial hair to grow longer (I have learned I am unable to leave it alone and not pick/trim it every time I look in the mirror). It is hard to stand against the grain of American society and stay unshaven. I fully respect the men here on this site for being able to -- they are an inspiration for others.
Keywords: full_beard

Mike T.

Bearded since: 2009. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Growing a mustache with goatee has always been easy. But growing a full beard that has challenged me more emotionally then I expected. I never realized so many people, even myself, look up to those with a less than full-bearded face and look down to those with those who had -- all the while not understanding why. It should not be and trying to grow a full beard and maintaining it has been a maturing event for myself. If I can grow my full beard and love myself with it enough -- I can overcome the hardships in life. (I know that sounds cheesy.)

How do I feel about my beard? Love-Hate relationship. Sometimes I don't like what I see with the beard and shortly after I shave it I miss it and want it back. I have resulted to hiding the beard trimmers in order to allow my facial hair to grow longer (I have learned I am unable to leave it alone and not pick/trim it every time I look in the mirror). It is hard to stand against the grain of American society and stay unshaven. I fully respect the men here on this site for being able to -- they are an inspiration for others.

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