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Bearded since: 1990, off and on.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I didnt choose to grow a beard.  It chose to grow and I didn't stop it, simple as that.  There was never really an option to not have a beard.  The last time I remember being without some sort of facial hair was probably in high school when I was forced to shave.

At this point it's like a pet, a member of the family.  I'm proud of my growth and my grooming.  It has its own fan club in a sense.  I have the support of my friends in my growing.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1990, off and on. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I didnt choose to grow a beard. It chose to grow and I didn't stop it, simple as that. There was never really an option to not have a beard. The last time I remember being without some sort of facial hair was probably in high school when I was forced to shave.

At this point it's like a pet, a member of the family. I'm proud of my growth and my grooming. It has its own fan club in a sense. I have the support of my friends in my growing.

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