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Bearded since: 2002. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why not grow my beard? If God intended men to be barefaced, He would have made us that way. Also, one sign of the end of the ages is when men and women's appearances start to look more and more alike. It's a spiritual thing to me, even though I'm not Jewish or Muslim, but Lutheran. I'm only 18, but I plan on having a beard the rest of my life.

I'm fairly happy with my beard. I could grow it from the time I was a freshman in high school (and have), but it could be better.

[b]Go to [url=]Ken's success story[/url][/b].
Keywords: full_beard ken


Bearded since: 2002. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why not grow my beard? If God intended men to be barefaced, He would have made us that way. Also, one sign of the end of the ages is when men and women's appearances start to look more and more alike. It's a spiritual thing to me, even though I'm not Jewish or Muslim, but Lutheran. I'm only 18, but I plan on having a beard the rest of my life.

I'm fairly happy with my beard. I could grow it from the time I was a freshman in high school (and have), but it could be better.

Go to Ken's success story.

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