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Bearded since: 2005.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I remember as a young boy looking up to men with beards.  My dad had a huge, palatial, luxurious beard that I admired a great deal.  More than anything, I wanted a beard as magnificent as my father's. Later in life, I began educating myself with the readings of Abe Lincoln. Again, a bearded man grew to iconic status in my mind. Today, I feel I pay homage to both my father and Abe Lincoln through my opulent and sumptuous beard.
How do I feel about my beard?  Some may view a beard as self-indulgent... just showing off because you can... being so sybaritic as to affect the quality of your relationships, sheerly to enjoy the benefits of bearddom. I do not feel this way. I feel my beard not only benefits me, but everyone who comes in contact with it. People love to pet it, pull it, run their hands through it. It's a beard by the people and for the people. More than anything.... it is... a beard.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2005. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I remember as a young boy looking up to men with beards. My dad had a huge, palatial, luxurious beard that I admired a great deal. More than anything, I wanted a beard as magnificent as my father's. Later in life, I began educating myself with the readings of Abe Lincoln. Again, a bearded man grew to iconic status in my mind. Today, I feel I pay homage to both my father and Abe Lincoln through my opulent and sumptuous beard.

How do I feel about my beard? Some may view a beard as self-indulgent... just showing off because you can... being so sybaritic as to affect the quality of your relationships, sheerly to enjoy the benefits of bearddom. I do not feel this way. I feel my beard not only benefits me, but everyone who comes in contact with it. People love to pet it, pull it, run their hands through it. It's a beard by the people and for the people. More than anything.... it is... a beard.

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