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Bearded since: 2005.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had always wanted to grow a beard ever since I was really young, but I never got the chance to until I was twenty years old.  What happened was, once I was able to grow a beard, my Catholic high school put the nix on that idea!  So after I graduated from high school I was all set on growing it out...but my job at the time had other plans for me and instituted a "no facial hair" policy (with the exception for wussy moustaches).
I was utterly dejected.  However, my time to shine came in 2005 when I accepted a better job, and part of the reason why it was better was because it didn't have a lousy facial hair policy!  So I let my beard grow and grow and grow, and ever since 2005 I have been experimenting with all different sorts of styles and lengths.
I hope I never have to live beardless again.

How do I feel about my beard?  Other than the fact that it can become very scraggly when long, I am fully satisfied with it. 

Strangely, though, my beard is red while the rest of my hair is brown. Strange, but cool!
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2005. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had always wanted to grow a beard ever since I was really young, but I never got the chance to until I was twenty years old. What happened was, once I was able to grow a beard, my Catholic high school put the nix on that idea! So after I graduated from high school I was all set on growing it out...but my job at the time had other plans for me and instituted a "no facial hair" policy (with the exception for wussy moustaches).

I was utterly dejected. However, my time to shine came in 2005 when I accepted a better job, and part of the reason why it was better was because it didn't have a lousy facial hair policy! So I let my beard grow and grow and grow, and ever since 2005 I have been experimenting with all different sorts of styles and lengths.

I hope I never have to live beardless again.

How do I feel about my beard? Other than the fact that it can become very scraggly when long, I am fully satisfied with it.

Strangely, though, my beard is red while the rest of my hair is brown. Strange, but cool!

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