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Brandon G.
Bearded since: 2006. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Grew a beard because I've always thought that they were cool to grow. As far back as I can remember, growing up at age five and six, watching my granddaddy shave, I was fascinated by that and told myself that one day I'll be shaving and growing beards.  So the look and the thought of a young boy brought me to growing a beard.  It was just natural to me, I guess.  I had to have one.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it I couldn't see myself without one. I guess I would feel naked without one.  It's like leaving your wallet at the house our not wearing your wedding ring.  It would just feel not right to me not to have one.

Whether it's short in the spring and summer or thick in the fall and winter, I love my beard. I couldn't talk more about it. I love shaping it up, combing it, brushing it. I just love the feel of it and my wife loves it, too.  So that's a plus for me!
Keywords: full_beard

Brandon G.

Bearded since: 2006. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Grew a beard because I've always thought that they were cool to grow. As far back as I can remember, growing up at age five and six, watching my granddaddy shave, I was fascinated by that and told myself that one day I'll be shaving and growing beards. So the look and the thought of a young boy brought me to growing a beard. It was just natural to me, I guess. I had to have one.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it I couldn't see myself without one. I guess I would feel naked without one. It's like leaving your wallet at the house our not wearing your wedding ring. It would just feel not right to me not to have one.

Whether it's short in the spring and summer or thick in the fall and winter, I love my beard. I couldn't talk more about it. I love shaping it up, combing it, brushing it. I just love the feel of it and my wife loves it, too. So that's a plus for me!

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