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Bearded since: 2009. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? From a very young age I saw the older men in my family and I was always jealous that they could grow a beard and I couldn't. So as soon as I had the ability, I let it grow and haven't been clean shaved since.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard.  I couldn't imagine ever shaving on a regular basis again. It really does complete me.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2009. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? From a very young age I saw the older men in my family and I was always jealous that they could grow a beard and I couldn't. So as soon as I had the ability, I let it grow and haven't been clean shaved since.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard. I couldn't imagine ever shaving on a regular basis again. It really does complete me.

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