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Matt U.
Bearded since:  1988. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I remember, as a kid looking in the mirror, that one day I would grow a big beard, and couldn't wait for that day to come.  I started growing it as soon as I thought I could, and for a long while was disappointed at my patchy cheeks and wondered if I was deluding myself.  

I settled on a decent goatee for a long while, going full bearded on occasion.  About six months ago I said, "That's it!  I'm letting it go for a year!"  I made the commitment to ignore any suggestions that I shave it.    Those suggestions did come, but as time's gone by, those suggestions have stopped, and the kudos on an impressive beard have become more of the norm.

Thanks to and all of the bearded men who have posted their pics and comments.  It helped me have the courage to go for what I've always wanted.

How do I feel about my beard?  Love it!  Bearded is the way I'm meant to be!
Keywords: full_beard

Matt U.

Bearded since: 1988. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I remember, as a kid looking in the mirror, that one day I would grow a big beard, and couldn't wait for that day to come. I started growing it as soon as I thought I could, and for a long while was disappointed at my patchy cheeks and wondered if I was deluding myself.

I settled on a decent goatee for a long while, going full bearded on occasion. About six months ago I said, "That's it! I'm letting it go for a year!" I made the commitment to ignore any suggestions that I shave it. Those suggestions did come, but as time's gone by, those suggestions have stopped, and the kudos on an impressive beard have become more of the norm.

Thanks to and all of the bearded men who have posted their pics and comments. It helped me have the courage to go for what I've always wanted.

How do I feel about my beard? Love it! Bearded is the way I'm meant to be!

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