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Joshua Todd K.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for many purposes. Mainly I feel that having a beard lets people know that if they need something done the right way or need some one in charge that they can come to me to get the job done.

My beard was originally cast as Bane in the new Dark Knight movie, but was later pulled from the cast as the producer believed my beard versus Batman was an unfair fight as Batman would lose.  So they cast a weaker actor.

It also helps in fending off dragons, orcs, and even the Medusa.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard very much. Every day I wash and condition it, along with giving it positive reinforcement to grow. It enjoys pillow talk just as much as it enjoys going into battle with my fellow vikings.

My beard's turn-ons include but are not limited to: Viking metal, stoner rock, well-executed tattoos, axes and various medieval weapons and torture devices, fallen comrades residing in Valhalla, and rare steak off the bone.

My beard's turn-offs include: Dubstep, razors, Adele, Nicki Minaj, Skyrim, soup and wings with sauce, contraceptives (my beard is enough protection), tears and the elusive duck face.

Most importantly, my beard makes me happy. It is something I love very much and that is the most important thing.
Keywords: full_beard

Joshua Todd K.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard for many purposes. Mainly I feel that having a beard lets people know that if they need something done the right way or need some one in charge that they can come to me to get the job done.

My beard was originally cast as Bane in the new Dark Knight movie, but was later pulled from the cast as the producer believed my beard versus Batman was an unfair fight as Batman would lose. So they cast a weaker actor.

It also helps in fending off dragons, orcs, and even the Medusa.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard very much. Every day I wash and condition it, along with giving it positive reinforcement to grow. It enjoys pillow talk just as much as it enjoys going into battle with my fellow vikings.

My beard's turn-ons include but are not limited to: Viking metal, stoner rock, well-executed tattoos, axes and various medieval weapons and torture devices, fallen comrades residing in Valhalla, and rare steak off the bone.

My beard's turn-offs include: Dubstep, razors, Adele, Nicki Minaj, Skyrim, soup and wings with sauce, contraceptives (my beard is enough protection), tears and the elusive duck face.

Most importantly, my beard makes me happy. It is something I love very much and that is the most important thing.

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