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David C.
Bearded since: around 1996. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My beard started because I was too lazy to shave.  It stayed because it kept my face warm that winter.  I trimmed it down to a goatee later because I liked the way it looked. It attained its current rampant-ness through me forgetting to take a razor on holiday.  And when I got home I decided to see what I'd look like with a full beard. I've been fully bearded for three years now and can't see myself ever going back.

How do I feel about my beard? Deeply attached. It and my collection of fine hats are my brand and logo, they get the right sort of attention from strangers and friends alike, and drunken ladies in pubs occasionally like to frolic in it. It makes me easy to remember which would suck if I were a mugger in an identity parade.  But it is great for getting job offers after I talk at conferences. And, as a committed player of Go, one really has to have a beard to stroke while deep in thought!
Keywords: full_beard

David C.

Bearded since: around 1996. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My beard started because I was too lazy to shave. It stayed because it kept my face warm that winter. I trimmed it down to a goatee later because I liked the way it looked. It attained its current rampant-ness through me forgetting to take a razor on holiday. And when I got home I decided to see what I'd look like with a full beard. I've been fully bearded for three years now and can't see myself ever going back.

How do I feel about my beard? Deeply attached. It and my collection of fine hats are my brand and logo, they get the right sort of attention from strangers and friends alike, and drunken ladies in pubs occasionally like to frolic in it. It makes me easy to remember which would suck if I were a mugger in an identity parade. But it is great for getting job offers after I talk at conferences. And, as a committed player of Go, one really has to have a beard to stroke while deep in thought!

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