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Tom S.
Bearded since: 1990.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had a beard on and off for years...hated shaving.  Then I stopped shaving altogether on my wedding day, May 5, 1990. Beard has been growing ever since.

How do I feel about my beard?  It is a part of who I am and my identity. BUT everyone has been asking me for years what it would take me to shave my beard and cut off my mullet. I am doing just this on February 19, 2010 in public at our local high school varsity basketball game to try to raise money and show support for the families of four teens who were involved in a serious car accident recently. Three of the teens sadly died. Shaving my beard off is going to make me feel naked...  But I am doing this for a good cause.
Keywords: full_beard

Tom S.

Bearded since: 1990. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I had a beard on and off for years...hated shaving. Then I stopped shaving altogether on my wedding day, May 5, 1990. Beard has been growing ever since.

How do I feel about my beard? It is a part of who I am and my identity. BUT everyone has been asking me for years what it would take me to shave my beard and cut off my mullet. I am doing just this on February 19, 2010 in public at our local high school varsity basketball game to try to raise money and show support for the families of four teens who were involved in a serious car accident recently. Three of the teens sadly died. Shaving my beard off is going to make me feel naked... But I am doing this for a good cause.

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