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Will O.
Bearded since: 2000.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard 'cause it's the manly thing to do.  Haha.

How do I feel about my beard?  I have a love hate relationship. But I would never go without always switching styles so not to let one way of wearing it get old.   M cycle is full beard, half beard, chinstraps, goatee, then back to a full beard, never going completely bald face!
Keywords: full_beard

Will O.

Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard 'cause it's the manly thing to do. Haha.

How do I feel about my beard? I have a love hate relationship. But I would never go without always switching styles so not to let one way of wearing it get old. M cycle is full beard, half beard, chinstraps, goatee, then back to a full beard, never going completely bald face!

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