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Tom M.
Bearded since: 2009.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've grown beards on and off since my first year in college (1975).  I decided to grow my beard out a few weeks ago for the winter. I LOVE beards on others and on myself. They are truly amazing things!

Another reason I'm letting my beard grow is because I feel that is the true state of a man and therefore ask myself, "Why shave?" 

I plan on becoming a permanent beard grower this time around! It feels like the right time in my life.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard -- most of the time. It does make me look older.  So sometimes that's good and sometimes I'm not so happy about that aspect. It all depends on my mood. I'm also considering getting a buzz cut or else finding out something different to do with my hair so as to make my beard the focal point of my face. 

I've only once grown a big beard. I got a little shocked at how I was beginning to look after about 2.5 months of growth and gave in to the clippers. I'm not going to let that happen this time. I plan on letting my beard grow out for at least 6-8 months and see where's it at and how it looks. Then I'll take it from there. I'm making a promise to myself this time though, and that's if I get a sudden urge to shave my beard off, I'm going to wait three days before I do it. I've gotten clipper-happy many times before and was very sorry the next day.
Keywords: full_beard

Tom M.

Bearded since: 2009. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've grown beards on and off since my first year in college (1975). I decided to grow my beard out a few weeks ago for the winter. I LOVE beards on others and on myself. They are truly amazing things!

Another reason I'm letting my beard grow is because I feel that is the true state of a man and therefore ask myself, "Why shave?"

I plan on becoming a permanent beard grower this time around! It feels like the right time in my life.

How do I feel about my beard? I love my beard -- most of the time. It does make me look older. So sometimes that's good and sometimes I'm not so happy about that aspect. It all depends on my mood. I'm also considering getting a buzz cut or else finding out something different to do with my hair so as to make my beard the focal point of my face.

I've only once grown a big beard. I got a little shocked at how I was beginning to look after about 2.5 months of growth and gave in to the clippers. I'm not going to let that happen this time. I plan on letting my beard grow out for at least 6-8 months and see where's it at and how it looks. Then I'll take it from there. I'm making a promise to myself this time though, and that's if I get a sudden urge to shave my beard off, I'm going to wait three days before I do it. I've gotten clipper-happy many times before and was very sorry the next day.

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