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Bearded since: 2008.  I am an experimental beard grower.

After going through life so far without trying a full beard, I thought it was about time to see what it would look like. I've had sideburns at different lengths all my adult life, but never gone full. I've always liked beards, but I've had hesitation to let it grow because I just thought it wouldn't look good, especially because the mustache and chin are much blonder than the sides. 

But how do you know until you try?

How do I feel about my beard? I definitely had some doubts during the first month of growing. But now I think I quite like my beard. I feel that I look more like the person that I feel I am. I'm a big guy and a smooth face never felt right. 

I work in Hong Kong, and it gets very hot and humid here in the summer, so I may shave it, but if I do that, it will definitely return again in the autumn! Here, there are very few tall blondes with full blonde beards, so I definitely stand out. And hey, that's not such a bad thing?
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2008. I am an experimental beard grower.

After going through life so far without trying a full beard, I thought it was about time to see what it would look like. I've had sideburns at different lengths all my adult life, but never gone full. I've always liked beards, but I've had hesitation to let it grow because I just thought it wouldn't look good, especially because the mustache and chin are much blonder than the sides.

But how do you know until you try?

How do I feel about my beard? I definitely had some doubts during the first month of growing. But now I think I quite like my beard. I feel that I look more like the person that I feel I am. I'm a big guy and a smooth face never felt right.

I work in Hong Kong, and it gets very hot and humid here in the summer, so I may shave it, but if I do that, it will definitely return again in the autumn! Here, there are very few tall blondes with full blonde beards, so I definitely stand out. And hey, that's not such a bad thing?

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