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Bearded since: 2001.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I first grew a beard because I finally could and I was tired of looking twelve. I found that the respect and attention from ladies gained as a result of a more natural face was something I could never give up. So several years later, I now proudly continue to wear my beard, though I did have to shave it off once for a job.  Job gone.  Beard back.  Lesson learned (lesson being never sacrifice who you are for a job).
How do I feel about my beard?  Profoundly attached to it. It is not only part of my identity, but an excellent way to express my personal and unique style. In the winter it is long because I spend lots of time outside working and snowboarding.  In the summer, it is trimmed and neat to prevent heat-related discomfort.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2001. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I first grew a beard because I finally could and I was tired of looking twelve. I found that the respect and attention from ladies gained as a result of a more natural face was something I could never give up. So several years later, I now proudly continue to wear my beard, though I did have to shave it off once for a job. Job gone. Beard back. Lesson learned (lesson being never sacrifice who you are for a job).

How do I feel about my beard? Profoundly attached to it. It is not only part of my identity, but an excellent way to express my personal and unique style. In the winter it is long because I spend lots of time outside working and snowboarding. In the summer, it is trimmed and neat to prevent heat-related discomfort.

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