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Bearded since: 1998;  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

As soon as it sprouted, it's stayed in one shape or another, usually emulating beards I admire: Big Papa Hetfield's beards, the Lemmy... The latest has been Leonidas' from [i]300[/i], as you can tell. I'll always have something growing on my face.  I know that much.

By the way, that is  [b]snow[/b] in the beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I've cut it since this picture was taken and regretted it immediately. Currently regrowing to get back to that state, which was about six months. I only wish my facial hair on my chin grew straighter.  It makes shaping and trimming a little difficult to get symmetrical.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 1998; I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

As soon as it sprouted, it's stayed in one shape or another, usually emulating beards I admire: Big Papa Hetfield's beards, the Lemmy... The latest has been Leonidas' from 300, as you can tell. I'll always have something growing on my face. I know that much.

By the way, that is snow in the beard.

How do I feel about my beard? I've cut it since this picture was taken and regretted it immediately. Currently regrowing to get back to that state, which was about six months. I only wish my facial hair on my chin grew straighter. It makes shaping and trimming a little difficult to get symmetrical.

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