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Raul Blacksten
Bearded since: 1974.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My 5 o'clock shadow used to show up around noon and when I was twelve, my junior high school principal threatened to shave me. I have a curly, thick beard and I was tired of ingrown whiskers. So after college, when I was going to spend the summer of '74 in a hot and humid location, I decided to not shave. I haven't shaved since.

How do I feel about my beard?  I can't imagine being without it. I am a pilot and have not flown over 18,000 feet or gone into the altitude chamber (simulates flights over 18,000 feet) because it would mean having to shave. I figure it also helps hide the ugly face beneath.
Keywords: full_beard

Raul Blacksten

Bearded since: 1974. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

My 5 o'clock shadow used to show up around noon and when I was twelve, my junior high school principal threatened to shave me. I have a curly, thick beard and I was tired of ingrown whiskers. So after college, when I was going to spend the summer of '74 in a hot and humid location, I decided to not shave. I haven't shaved since.

How do I feel about my beard? I can't imagine being without it. I am a pilot and have not flown over 18,000 feet or gone into the altitude chamber (simulates flights over 18,000 feet) because it would mean having to shave. I figure it also helps hide the ugly face beneath.

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