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Gregory C.
Bearded since: June 2013. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard/ I've always had a shadow! Never clean shaved! Like ever!!! Beards was becoming a thing in London so I just let mine grow!! And I get a number of comments everyday about my beard, from women and men!! At the moment I'm loving having a beard!!

How do I feel about my beard? I feel that my beard is full and strong! It grows how I want it to grow, not patchy and with a strong color. I do dye my beard to be more brown as I don't like the natural color when I have a full beard! Because naturally there are too many colors!!
Keywords: full_beard

Gregory C.

Bearded since: June 2013. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard/ I've always had a shadow! Never clean shaved! Like ever!!! Beards was becoming a thing in London so I just let mine grow!! And I get a number of comments everyday about my beard, from women and men!! At the moment I'm loving having a beard!!

How do I feel about my beard? I feel that my beard is full and strong! It grows how I want it to grow, not patchy and with a strong color. I do dye my beard to be more brown as I don't like the natural color when I have a full beard! Because naturally there are too many colors!!

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