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Michael "Grizzly" Y.
Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I've been growing what my parents/job would let me since I was thirteen. To me, having a beard is a true sign of genuine masculinity. We all have our struggles and shortcomings as men, but if a man grows and takes care of his beard, I believe it shows a dedication to getting things done and doing them right.

How do I feel about my beard? Over the past year I have slowly added length to it and I absolutely love it! I wish my gain was a little thicker and that my mustache grew as quickly as my goatee.  But the color (Auburn is a recessive color trait in my family, none of my relatives have had it for three generations) looks so epic when the sun hits it right. I can't wait to see how long and thick I can get it this year!
Keywords: full_beard

Michael "Grizzly" Y.

Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? I've been growing what my parents/job would let me since I was thirteen. To me, having a beard is a true sign of genuine masculinity. We all have our struggles and shortcomings as men, but if a man grows and takes care of his beard, I believe it shows a dedication to getting things done and doing them right.

How do I feel about my beard? Over the past year I have slowly added length to it and I absolutely love it! I wish my gain was a little thicker and that my mustache grew as quickly as my goatee. But the color (Auburn is a recessive color trait in my family, none of my relatives have had it for three generations) looks so epic when the sun hits it right. I can't wait to see how long and thick I can get it this year!

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