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Douglas Schotten
Bearded since: 1985. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I had always wanted one ever since I could remember. I used to get a ribbing from others fellas in high school because mine grew in earlier than theirs. In fact, I had a full beard by my junior year. I drive a tractor/trailer for a living and receive a lot of compliments from various people on my beard, male and female. I always offer them a chance to feel it. Most take me up on my offer, although my dispatcher hasn't accepted my invitation (oh, well!).

How do I feel about my beard? I think it's flawless and I'm so humble about it, too. NOT! LOL. I've been told more than once that I should post my pictures here and I finally got around to doing it. It's my own way of telling the "Queer Eye" [an anti-beard television show -- ed.] aficionados, who stop at nothing to shave any bit of facial hair, to screw-off. There is nothing wrong with facial hair and those that look good with it are proud to sport it. Do I hear an Amen, brothers? 
Keywords: full_beard

Douglas Schotten

Bearded since: 1985. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard because I had always wanted one ever since I could remember. I used to get a ribbing from others fellas in high school because mine grew in earlier than theirs. In fact, I had a full beard by my junior year. I drive a tractor/trailer for a living and receive a lot of compliments from various people on my beard, male and female. I always offer them a chance to feel it. Most take me up on my offer, although my dispatcher hasn't accepted my invitation (oh, well!).

How do I feel about my beard? I think it's flawless and I'm so humble about it, too. NOT! LOL. I've been told more than once that I should post my pictures here and I finally got around to doing it. It's my own way of telling the "Queer Eye" [an anti-beard television show -- ed.] aficionados, who stop at nothing to shave any bit of facial hair, to screw-off. There is nothing wrong with facial hair and those that look good with it are proud to sport it. Do I hear an Amen, brothers?

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