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Neele S.
Bearded since: November 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? So that I could become a man! It was actually inspiration, watching Whisker Wars and realizing I had the guts and wanted the glory. I knew that I could do it.  And through laziness, procrastination, and a keen sense of determination, I was able to begin the full transformation into a complete man.
How: My beard and I are one now. There is no separation.
Keywords: full_beard

Neele S.

Bearded since: November 2012. I am an experimental beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? So that I could become a man! It was actually inspiration, watching Whisker Wars and realizing I had the guts and wanted the glory. I knew that I could do it. And through laziness, procrastination, and a keen sense of determination, I was able to begin the full transformation into a complete man.
How: My beard and I are one now. There is no separation.

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