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Ward C.
Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? My hair was starting to thin.  While my barber was cutting my hair one day in 1995 he said, "Okay.  The time has come for you to make a decision and the decision is NOT going to be a toupee, hair plugs or a comb-over. You are going to shave your head and grow a beard. Trust me you have the head and face for it. The beard will draw attention away from your shaved head." I trusted him and he was right. I got MORE positive attention after his advice. I have been shaving my head and sporting a beard ever since.

How do I feel about my beard? It is a love/hate relationship. I LOVE the way it makes me look. I HATE that I can't grow a full-on beard. Full-on, the hair goes every which way, which is why I sport a permanent scruff only. Why isn't scruff a category on this site for beards?  I sport facial scruff, not a beard.

Ward C.

Bearded since: 1995. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? My hair was starting to thin. While my barber was cutting my hair one day in 1995 he said, "Okay. The time has come for you to make a decision and the decision is NOT going to be a toupee, hair plugs or a comb-over. You are going to shave your head and grow a beard. Trust me you have the head and face for it. The beard will draw attention away from your shaved head." I trusted him and he was right. I got MORE positive attention after his advice. I have been shaving my head and sporting a beard ever since.

How do I feel about my beard? It is a love/hate relationship. I LOVE the way it makes me look. I HATE that I can't grow a full-on beard. Full-on, the hair goes every which way, which is why I sport a permanent scruff only. Why isn't scruff a category on this site for beards? I sport facial scruff, not a beard.

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