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Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? It started out just wanting to look older, but it became very apparent that I was just meant to be bearded. Now I can't go without it. I've rarely shaved it off since. Those very few times were for a particular reason and resulted in growing it straight back. If I shaved it off now, my kids wouldn't settle with me I'm sure.

How do I feel about my beard? When you choose to grow a beard it makes a statement about who you are and the kind of personality you have. For me a beard shows confidence, self security, masculinity, patience, but mostly it's about not being afraid to look different from the masses and standing out from the herd of sheep we call society.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2000. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? It started out just wanting to look older, but it became very apparent that I was just meant to be bearded. Now I can't go without it. I've rarely shaved it off since. Those very few times were for a particular reason and resulted in growing it straight back. If I shaved it off now, my kids wouldn't settle with me I'm sure.

How do I feel about my beard? When you choose to grow a beard it makes a statement about who you are and the kind of personality you have. For me a beard shows confidence, self security, masculinity, patience, but mostly it's about not being afraid to look different from the masses and standing out from the herd of sheep we call society.

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