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Sergio R.
Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've had my beard for over two years now, since early 2011. Decided to grow it out to simply try the look and ended up falling in love with it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it! When you look at it closely, it has lots of different colors. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback from friends, family, and random strangers. I used to just have it full grown. But I really like the professional, clean look of a short full-beard.
Keywords: full_beard

Sergio R.

Bearded since: 2011. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I've had my beard for over two years now, since early 2011. Decided to grow it out to simply try the look and ended up falling in love with it.

How do I feel about my beard? I love it! When you look at it closely, it has lots of different colors. I have gotten nothing but positive feedback from friends, family, and random strangers. I used to just have it full grown. But I really like the professional, clean look of a short full-beard.

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