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Fabien J.
Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grow a beard because I always wanted one, never could 'cause of my job and my ex who dislikes me with it. Now, I don't care anymore about all of that. I do what I want.  That's it.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel more confident in myself. I don't pay attention anymore to what "the world" thinks about me. I like that feeling and I like being bearded
Keywords: full_beard

Fabien J.

Bearded since: 2012. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grow a beard because I always wanted one, never could 'cause of my job and my ex who dislikes me with it. Now, I don't care anymore about all of that. I do what I want. That's it.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel more confident in myself. I don't pay attention anymore to what "the world" thinks about me. I like that feeling and I like being bearded

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