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Jordan Oram
Bearded since: the year I could start growing face fuzz.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard?  Why climb mountains?  Why fight the noble fight?  Why live life to the fullest?  Because we can.  Because we should.  Because it makes a child a man.  And they're so dang spiffy.

How do I feel about my beard?  I like my beard. The redness is awesome. The thickness is decently good. I wish I could get a bit fuller of a moustache to go with the beard...but, compared to those poor souls who can't grow anything remotely resembling a full beard, I feel truly blessed.
Keywords: full_beard

Jordan Oram

Bearded since: the year I could start growing face fuzz. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Why did I grow my beard? Why climb mountains? Why fight the noble fight? Why live life to the fullest? Because we can. Because we should. Because it makes a child a man. And they're so dang spiffy.

How do I feel about my beard? I like my beard. The redness is awesome. The thickness is decently good. I wish I could get a bit fuller of a moustache to go with the beard...but, compared to those poor souls who can't grow anything remotely resembling a full beard, I feel truly blessed.

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