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Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

At first I would have referred to it not as growing a beard but more simply as not shaving, which is the same thing essentially. I had shaved for as long as I could grow facial hair and basically wanted to see what I would look like if I didn't shave anymore. I didn't even think I was capable of growing it out.  So after three weeks of initially not shaving, I made the conscious decision to keep it going for as long as I could.  About a year and half later I have been going strong and am now growing for length.  Haven't trimmed it yet and don't plan to.

How do I feel about my beard? Overall I really enjoy it! I don't have it to try impress anyone.  Therefore I am not heartbroken for anyone who doesn't like it, but I do enjoy any positive comments nonetheless. I got a girl and a kid who gave me flack for it at first, but it is something I believe they both got used to. The beard has the ability to put you in a different head space, a frame of mind, if you will.
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2010. I am an experimental beard grower.

At first I would have referred to it not as growing a beard but more simply as not shaving, which is the same thing essentially. I had shaved for as long as I could grow facial hair and basically wanted to see what I would look like if I didn't shave anymore. I didn't even think I was capable of growing it out. So after three weeks of initially not shaving, I made the conscious decision to keep it going for as long as I could. About a year and half later I have been going strong and am now growing for length. Haven't trimmed it yet and don't plan to.

How do I feel about my beard? Overall I really enjoy it! I don't have it to try impress anyone. Therefore I am not heartbroken for anyone who doesn't like it, but I do enjoy any positive comments nonetheless. I got a girl and a kid who gave me flack for it at first, but it is something I believe they both got used to. The beard has the ability to put you in a different head space, a frame of mind, if you will.

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