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Gerard Bretecher
Bearded since: 31 October 2006.  I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I always wanted to see how I could grow a beard since I was 16 years. old.  But with the negative feedback from family...(and job), it was just easier to not bother.  Since October of last year I went ahead.  Here are the results.

How do I feel about my beard?  Well, as you get older, I had to dye it so it would not look too shabby.
Keywords: full_beard

Gerard Bretecher

Bearded since: 31 October 2006. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

I always wanted to see how I could grow a beard since I was 16 years. old. But with the negative feedback from family...(and job), it was just easier to not bother. Since October of last year I went ahead. Here are the results.

How do I feel about my beard? Well, as you get older, I had to dye it so it would not look too shabby.

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