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beard galleries

Bearded since: 2005, on and off.

I grew my beard because I believe that every man should be bearded. Beards should not be a "social taboo" in a respect.

How do I feel about my beard? This picture was taken about a year and a half ago, before I shaved it all off for a bet which I regret. I have been experimenting with various beard styles since then but the beard is coming back!
Keywords: full_beard


Bearded since: 2005, on and off.

I grew my beard because I believe that every man should be bearded. Beards should not be a "social taboo" in a respect.

How do I feel about my beard? This picture was taken about a year and a half ago, before I shaved it all off for a bet which I regret. I have been experimenting with various beard styles since then but the beard is coming back!

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