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Jeroen S.
Bearded since: 2003. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Beards are manly, and if you can grow a beard, you should. It is part of who you are! Also, the majority of people would want you to shave it off. It's fun to not shave it, if only to see people's reactions!

How do I feel about my beard? Proud! Very proud!
Keywords: full_beard

Jeroen S.

Bearded since: 2003. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Beards are manly, and if you can grow a beard, you should. It is part of who you are! Also, the majority of people would want you to shave it off. It's fun to not shave it, if only to see people's reactions!

How do I feel about my beard? Proud! Very proud!

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