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beard galleries

Bearded since: 2005, facial hair since 1996. I am an experimental beard grower.

I've had chops since I was 14, but decided it was time to get over the itchy stage and get going with this beard thing! It was around Halloween and I wanted to shave it into something unique. Turns out that 18th century army commander style was the way to go. 

How do I feel about my own beard? Love it. I get far less creeped-out looks than I expected.
Keywords: mutton_chops


Bearded since: 2005, facial hair since 1996. I am an experimental beard grower.

I've had chops since I was 14, but decided it was time to get over the itchy stage and get going with this beard thing! It was around Halloween and I wanted to shave it into something unique. Turns out that 18th century army commander style was the way to go.

How do I feel about my own beard? Love it. I get far less creeped-out looks than I expected.

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