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William Noble Webb
Bearded since: 2002. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I began growing facial hair when I was 14 years of age (I was in the seventh grade). I began by growing a chin goatee, as it was really the only place on my face that grew hair thick enough to look decent. Later on, after more and more shaving, my beard became thicker and fuller. By around the time I was 16, I either had mutton chops or a beard and ever since I have alternated between the two styles. I currently wear the beard as seen in the picture, and keep it closely trimmed, although before I have had it grown out to about two and a half inches in length.

I've always been fascinated by facial hair in general. Growing up, my father always had either a full beard or a handlebar moustache and it always seemed fitting to grow facial hair. My beard gives me confidence and gives me a sense of masculinity. Also, being a rather large fan of nature, I've found that having a beard just seems more natural and, in a roundabout sort of way, makes me feel closer to nature. 
Keywords: full_beard

William Noble Webb

Bearded since: 2002. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I began growing facial hair when I was 14 years of age (I was in the seventh grade). I began by growing a chin goatee, as it was really the only place on my face that grew hair thick enough to look decent. Later on, after more and more shaving, my beard became thicker and fuller. By around the time I was 16, I either had mutton chops or a beard and ever since I have alternated between the two styles. I currently wear the beard as seen in the picture, and keep it closely trimmed, although before I have had it grown out to about two and a half inches in length.

I've always been fascinated by facial hair in general. Growing up, my father always had either a full beard or a handlebar moustache and it always seemed fitting to grow facial hair. My beard gives me confidence and gives me a sense of masculinity. Also, being a rather large fan of nature, I've found that having a beard just seems more natural and, in a roundabout sort of way, makes me feel closer to nature.

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