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Joe B.
Bearded since: 2006. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard initially, because it was metal. Now it's just a way of life. Also, I hate shaving.  So it's much easier to let it grow naturally.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel proud of this beard. It has done me well. I spent a little more time grooming and shaping than usual. I will soon trim it down and start over again. It will be sad to see it go, but I look forward to growing it again and becoming a more experienced beard grower.
Keywords: full_beard

Joe B.

Bearded since: 2006. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard initially, because it was metal. Now it's just a way of life. Also, I hate shaving. So it's much easier to let it grow naturally.

How do I feel about my beard? I feel proud of this beard. It has done me well. I spent a little more time grooming and shaping than usual. I will soon trim it down and start over again. It will be sad to see it go, but I look forward to growing it again and becoming a more experienced beard grower.

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