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Matt A.
Bearded since: 2011. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Inspired by my cousin's full beard and the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States, I began growing mutton chops in February 2011.

How do I feel about my beard? I grew a full beard in 2002, but moved on to a soul patch, chin strap, and then Van Dyke by 2006. I remained clean-shaven for three years until one day I remembered I was a man reenacting and honoring the lives of soldiers of the nineteenth century--a VERY manly era of human history. These men had courage, compassion, character and facial hair; qualities of true gentlemen! My chops are an expression of my deepest respect for those men who fought and died for us. When I look in the mirror, I know I can never be as manly as those soldiers were, but I can be one small step closer.
Keywords: mutton_chops

Matt A.

Bearded since: 2011. I am an occasional or seasonal beard grower.

Inspired by my cousin's full beard and the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States, I began growing mutton chops in February 2011.

How do I feel about my beard? I grew a full beard in 2002, but moved on to a soul patch, chin strap, and then Van Dyke by 2006. I remained clean-shaven for three years until one day I remembered I was a man reenacting and honoring the lives of soldiers of the nineteenth century--a VERY manly era of human history. These men had courage, compassion, character and facial hair; qualities of true gentlemen! My chops are an expression of my deepest respect for those men who fought and died for us. When I look in the mirror, I know I can never be as manly as those soldiers were, but I can be one small step closer.

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