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David C.
Bearded since: 1990.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I have grown shorter goat/stache type beards in the past but have only now decided to do a full beard after looking at you guys with your beards.  I want to do the same.

I like a the idea of a full beard and want to try it and so far I think it suits me.  I think it looks good and balances my face a bit. The only thing I find is that I have to add some color now that I am greying.  I have looked at pics lately with the beard and without and I would say I have a more manly look. 
Keywords: full_beard

David C.

Bearded since: 1990. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I have grown shorter goat/stache type beards in the past but have only now decided to do a full beard after looking at you guys with your beards. I want to do the same.

I like a the idea of a full beard and want to try it and so far I think it suits me. I think it looks good and balances my face a bit. The only thing I find is that I have to add some color now that I am greying. I have looked at pics lately with the beard and without and I would say I have a more manly look.

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