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Mercury M.
Bearded since: 1990.  I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard simply because I can. The ability to grow a true, full beard is a gift and should not be wasted. Most men can only manage wiry, scruffy, patchy, pitiful facial hair. Those of us capable of cultivating thick, long masses of beard hair are honor-bound to do so. Viva Barbarii!!!

How do I feel about my beard? My beard tells the world that I am a real, old-school man. It indicates in no uncertain terms that, if need be, I can wrestle a grizzly bear, chop down a huge oak and build a log cabin, hunt wild game for dinner with my bare hands, and single-handedly fight off any terrorists threatening me and mine. Then at the end of the day, my lady can snuggle up in my beard and fall asleep knowing she's safe and sound with a true manly man. Also, I really hate to shave!
Keywords: full_beard

Mercury M.

Bearded since: 1990. I am a dedicated, permanent beard grower.

I grew my beard simply because I can. The ability to grow a true, full beard is a gift and should not be wasted. Most men can only manage wiry, scruffy, patchy, pitiful facial hair. Those of us capable of cultivating thick, long masses of beard hair are honor-bound to do so. Viva Barbarii!!!

How do I feel about my beard? My beard tells the world that I am a real, old-school man. It indicates in no uncertain terms that, if need be, I can wrestle a grizzly bear, chop down a huge oak and build a log cabin, hunt wild game for dinner with my bare hands, and single-handedly fight off any terrorists threatening me and mine. Then at the end of the day, my lady can snuggle up in my beard and fall asleep knowing she's safe and sound with a true manly man. Also, I really hate to shave!

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